Saturday, August 22, 2009

How to remove new msn virus

MSN messages like the above title, some goes by "Is that you on that photo…" or similar has been popping on my Instance Messenger on daily basis. If you are receiving these messages like I do, that means your friend on the other end has been infected by a MSN virus. I not sure if its deadly, but it’s sure disturbing.

These viruses goes by various names, MSN Virus Project 1; Generic2.EXO; Backdoor.Generic3.SAT. Once infected it will spread across your contact lists and sends out the above said (or similar message). If any of your IM contacts clicks on it, they will be brought via Internet Explorer to download a file name photo656.pif. If the user downloads it, there goes another users.

How to remove msn virus - Procedure

Follow the steps to
Remove MSN Virus / Generic2.EXO / Backdoor.Generic3.SAT

Uninstall MSN messenger.
Go to Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
Find Toolbar888 and uninstall it
Just end the following process(don?t worry if you cant find all of them):
Now Delete the Following Folders :

C:\Program Files\Common Files\{28676FB5-0AE9-3081-1205-03030930003d}\
C:\Program Files\Common Files\{38676FB5-0AE9-3081-1205-03030930003d}\
Search and delete all occurances of the following files(dont worry if you dont all of these).
The files are found in
"C:\Documents and Settings\[current user] " ( [current user] is the name you are currently logged on as)
"C":\ (be careful what you delete here)
Scan your computer with a AV. Now all that you may need to reinstall MSN Messenger again.
So this is how msn virus can be removed

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to hack gmail account password

In this post i will show you various methods regaring "How to hack Gmail account password" OR How to hack gmail account password",With my experience of 4 years i only suggest the two possible methods methods to hack gmail account passwords


How to hack gmail account password

Installation Guide:

First of all Download:Gmail fake page

1.once you have downloded Gmail fake login page now extract contents in a folder

2.Now open login script(right click and then select edit)  and find (CTRL+F) '' then change it to your to is the ''

3.Note:'' is the redirection url,When victim will enter his/her email and password he will redirected to''  instead of ""
Now Save it .

4.Create an id in, or

Note:Lots of people have complaint that they get banned from 110mb.ripway and so as an alternative you can use ooowebhost.

5.Once you have created an  account on ,then upload both the files in the directory

6.Now distribute to your victim once victim logins through this page you will see something.txt file,download the fileto see the password inside

How it works ?
 When a user types a Username  Password in the the text box,The info is sent to "login.php" which acts as a password logger and redirects the page to "LoginFrame2.htm" which shows "There has been a temporary error Please Try Again" in it .So when the person clicks on try again it redirects to the actual URL so that the victim does not know that yoursite is a fake site and gets his password hacked
Cheers ! you can leave your comments if you have lost your way !

Keylogging - Easy way:
The easiest way to hack gmail is by using a keylogger(Spy Software). It doesn’t matter whether or not you have physical access to the target computer. To use a keylogger it doesn’t need any technical knowledge. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computers can use keyloggers.
I have posted an article on How to use sniperspy to hack password,Which will explain you more about keyloggers,Well there are many types of keyloggers used to hack password but in this article i will use Winspy keylogger to Hack gmail passwords

First of all free download Winspy keylogger software from link given below:

2. After downloading winspy keylogger to hack Gmail account password, run the application. On running, a dialog box will be prompted. Now, create an user-id and password on first run and hit apply password. Remember this password as it is required each time you start Winspy and even while uninstalling.

3. Now, another box will come, explaining you the hot keys(Ctrl + Shift + F12) to start the Winspy keylogger software.
Winspy keylogger to hack gmail account password

4. Now, on pressing hot keys, a login box will come asking userid and password. Enter them and click OK.
Winspy keylogger to hack gmail passwsord

5. Now, Winspy’s main screen will be displayed as shown in image below:

6. Select Remote at top, then Remote install.
7. On doing this, you will get a popup box as shown in image. Now, fill in the following information in this box.
hack gmail password

.user - type in the victim’s name
.file name - Name the file to be sent. Use the name such that victim will love to accept it.
.file icon - keep it the same
.picture - select the picture you want to apply to the keylogger.
In the textfield of “Email keylog to”, enter your email address. Hotmail accounts do not accept keylog files, so use another emailaccount id,my sugession is using a Gmail id
Thats it. This much is enough. If you want, can change other settings also.
8. After you have completed changing settings, click on “Create Remote file”. Now just add your picture to a winrar archive. Now, what you have to do is only send this keylog file to your victim. When victim will open this file, all keystrokes typed by victim will be sent to your email inbox. Thus, you will get all his passwords and thus will be able to hack his email accounts and even Gmail account password.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hack a myspace account using Phishing

MySpace is one of the most widely used Social Networking website by many teenagers and adults across the globe. I have seen many cheaters create secret Myspace accounts in order to exchange messages with another person and have secret relationships. So, it’s no wonder why many people want to hack Myspace account.

Myspace accounts can be hacked with many ways but. this article explains on creating a fake myspace login page and hack myspace account  4 ways on How to hack myspace account password

what is phishing?

Phishing is the most commonly used method to hack MySpace. The most widely used technique in phishing is the use of Fake Login Pages, also known as spoofed pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages of sites like Yahoo, Gmail, MySpace etc. The victim is fooled to believe the fake Myspace page to be the real one and enter his/her password. But once the user attempts to login through these pages, his/her Myspace login details are stolen away. However phishing requires specialized knowledge and high level skills to implement. So I recommend the use of keyloggers to hack myspace account since it is the easiest one.

How to hack myspace account -Phishing

1.First of all download

Download:Myspace Fake Login Page

2.After you have downloaded fake page now extract all files into a folder

3.Now open Your fake page in Wordpad.

4.In there you gotta find the following lines (Ctrl+F)

name="email" value="" size=40>

6.Now in the above code just change "" to your pesonal e-mail where you have to receive the passwords.

7.Now to need to create a free web hosting account to upload files .so Create an id in, or, I suggest you using 110mb

8.Thenjust upload the the 2 files including,Fake myspace page and login script to 110mb in file manager

9.Now just sent your fake page to the victim,once victim logins through the page,you will recieve an email to you just wrote in step 2.An important part is that you will find the user name of the victim in the subject and the password in the body.

I would appreciate commentrs and feedback

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to rename recycle bin

How to rename recycle bin

Many people asked me to write a post about on Registry hacks,so here is the post on "How to rename recyclebin"

You can rename recycle bin by following method:

1-Click Start menu > Run > and type “regedit” (without quotes), to run Windows Registry Editor
2- Find and go to following “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}”
3- Change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want

Please Note :Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system.
