Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to become a professional hacker

Today i thought to produce a post on a topic which is very widely searched on on the web i.e How to become a professional hacker" In this post i will share with you my experience on hacking and cracking, and will tell you steps you need to take to become a professional hacker.

First of all i want to make one thing clear to you that hacking is not an art that can be mastered overnight. It requires knowledge, skills, creativity, dedication and of course TIME. Everyone can become a Hacker provided they learn it from the basics. So if you wanna become a hacker, then all you need is a good source that will teach you hacking from the basics.

What is a hacker?

The term hacker has a double meaning within the field of computing. A hacker can be an expert computer programmer who creates complex software and hardware. These hackers are experts in the field of computing and have achieved a certain elite status within their field. The other commonly known meaning of the word is someone who breaks into computer security networks for his own purpose.

Types of hacker?

1.Black hat hackers:
Black-hat hackers (also known as crackers) are the ones who write virii, destroy data, and deface websites along with other illegal activity. This type of hacker will not end up at a very good job due to a bad reputation, and usually ends up in jail for a long period of time. This kind of hacker is not welcome at HDNL

White hat hackers:
White hat hackers, also known as "ethical hackers," are computer security experts, who specialize in penetration testing, and other testing methodologies, to ensure that a company's information systems are secure. Such people are employed by companies where these professionals are sometimes called "sneakers

Grey hat hackers:

Grey-hat hackers are borderline white/black hats. They sometimes prank unsuspecting users and cause general mayhem. While they think this kind of activity is harmless, they may face long periods of jail time, and rejection

How to become a professional hackers - Basics

In order to become a professional hacker one must know types of hacking attacks,There are alot of different attacks but I'm going to cover some of these

Eavesdropping -
This is the process of listening in or overhearing parts of a conversation. It also includes attackers listening in on your network traffic. Its generally a passive attack, for example, a coworker may overhear your dinner plans because your speaker phone is set too loud. The opportunity to overhear a conversation is coupled with the carelessness of the parties in the conversation.

Snooping - This is when someone looks through your files in the hopes of finding something interesting whether it is electronic or on paper. In the case of physical snooping people might inspect your dumpster, recycling bins, or even your file cabinets; they can look under your keyboard for post-It-notes, or look for scraps of paper tracked to your bulletin board. Computer snooping on the other hand, involves someone searching through your electronic files trying to find something interesting.

Interception -
This can be either an active or passive process. In a networked environment, a passive interception might involve someone who routinely monitors network traffic. Active interception might include putting a computer system between sender and receiver to capture information as it is sent. From the perspective of interception, this process is covert. The last thing a person on an intercept mission wants is to be discovered. Intercept missions can occur for years without the knowledge of the intercept parties.

Modification Attacks -
 This involves the deletion, insertion, or alteration of information in an unauthorized manner that is intended to appear genuine to the user. These attacks can be very hard to detect. The motivation of this type of attack may be to plant information, change grades in a class, alter credit card records, or something similar. Website defacements are a common form of modification attacks

Denial of sercvice attack:
A denial of service attack (DOS) is an attack through which a person can render a system unusable or significantly slow down the system for legitimate users by overloading the resources, so that no one can access it.
If an attacker is unable to gain access to a machine, the attacker most probably will just crash the machine to accomplish a denial of service attack,this one of the most used method for website hacking.
I have also produced a post to Hack a website with denial of service attack

Dictionary attacks:

A dictionary attack is a technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying to determine its decryption key or passphrase by searching likely possibilities.
A dictionary attack uses a brute-force technique of successively trying all the words in an exhaustive list (from a pre-arranged list of values). In contrast with a normal brute force attack, where a large proportion key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack tries only those possibilities which are most likely to succeed, typically derived from a list of words in a dictionary.

I have produced a post on Hack msn messenger password,Which explains more about dictionary attacks

Brute force attacks:

Brute Force Attack is the most widely known password cracking method. This attack simply tries to use every possible character combination as a password. To recover a one-character password it is enough to try 26 combinations (‘a’ to ‘z’). It is guaranteed that you will find the password.

Know more about Brute force attack

Replay Attacks -
These are becoming quite common, This occur when information is captured over a network. Replay attacks are used for access or modification attacks. In a distributed environment, logon and password information is sent over the network between the client and the authentication system. The attacker can capture this information and replay it later. This can also occur security certificates from systems such as kerberos: The attacker resubmits the certificate, hoping to be validated by the authentication system, and circumvent any time sensitivity.

Common email hacking methods:

A person cant become a professional hacker without knowing about common email hacking methods

5.Primary email adress hack

Know more about email hacking in my post How to hack an email accounts

Posts related to Phishing:

1.How to create a fake login page for any website
2.Hack yahoo using fake login page
3.Hack orkut using fake login page
4.How to hack hi5 accounts
5.How to hack friendster account

and lots more..

Posts related to keylogging:

In order to become a professional hacker you must also know about keylogging

1.Keyloger to hack passwords
2.Hack an account using keylogger
3.Hack gmail account using keylogger
4.How to install a keylogger remotely
5.How to bypass keylogger antivirus detection

Cookie stealing:
Cookies stores all the necessary Information about one’s account , using this information you can hack anybody’s account and change his password. If you get the Cookies of the Victim you can Hack any account the Victim is Logged into i.e. you can hack Google, Yahoo, Orkut, Facebook, Flickr etc.
Cookie stealing is one most important part of becoming a professional hacker

I have posted two tutorials regarding cookie stealing

1.How to hack into an email account
2.Hack orkut using cookie hack

Website hacking:
Website hacking is one of the most important critearea of becoming a professional hacker
A website can be hacked by various methods
1.Sql injection
2.Cross site scripting
3.Denial of service

and much more,For hacking a website see my website hacking section

Hacking into computers:
A hacker is know for his abilities and techniques to acess into one network,computers or databases

For more information,see my computer hacking section

Hackers Underground book:
This book is designed for the absolute beginners who are willing to learn Hacking from the basics. This book does not demand any prior knowledge about Hacking. So if you are a newbie to the concept of hacking and want to master it from the basics, then this book is for you
Read more about Hacker underground book.

Well one thing you need to remember,Hacking is not an art which comes over night,you need to have some patience

For free white-Hat hacking course,Enter your email in below box

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Free Hacking course

Please don’t forget to click activation link in your email.


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